Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Money Matters #0001

Hi guys
I'm going to start a new segment here in Electrohub, and it will be called Money Matters.
Basically, everything about money. How to earn them, how to lose them, money trivias and stuff.
To start, let's have a "Money-making Triva"

Did you know???
Transmission Engineers in the middle east earn around 150,000 to 500,000 pesos a month? These are ECE's who work with Fiber Optic and Microwave communications system. Of course, not really a safe place for women, AND MEN WHO SHAVES THEIR BEARDS, but if you want big $$$ within a small period of time, that's the way to go.
Another job that involves electronic communications and pays 200,000-500,000 is the Cisco Certified stuff. If you can afford the time and money to enroll, it would also be a great investment.

As for me, I'll stick with one of the important lessons I learned in Engineering Economics, Perpetuity.
P = A / i
Calculate how much you need per month (A) and divide it by the interest rate you expect to get (i) and you'll know how much you'll need to invest (P).
For example, if you need 50,000 a month, and you find a bank or a company willing for 1% interest per month, then you only need to invest 5,000,000 pesos. If I would allow myself 10-15 years to save that much, then by the time I reach 40, I need not work nor go abroad, since I have a monthly 50,000 delivered to me.